The couple exploded but the good memories the acts of charity remain. It is in this context that the Ivorian influencer EUNICE ZUNON the ex of the Cameroonian rapper TENOR to reframe these many followers.
These last followers who had taken the nasty habit of treating the rapper TENOR with all the names of birds. The Ivorian actress wanted to put an end to these hateful texts in very sympathetic words towards her ex-fiancé.
"That man who has no money, whom you treat
profiteer, this man who humiliated me, this man
ungrateful and wicked, is the one who has always supported me
.as he could and thoroughly despite everything while
those you see well for me because of their
fortune, their education and their great FRENCH me
were watching.
The time he gave me and gives me while he
even looking for more than me is priceless.
.life is not written in draft, wasted time
is not found, time is therefore priceless
respect those people who give it to you in your
Basically, I don't respect things that have a
prices or conditions.
I will always speak to this man because beyond
.everything, he brought me things that are priceless".

This statement hints at a hint of lingering sentiment toward the rapper.
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