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Rainbow Word

The Indomitable Lions coach is once again talking about him.

After the tensions and the final departure of André ONONA from La Tanière, the coach and former indomitable lion is stoned on social networks.

.after the announcement and presentation of his caps stamped "C'EST DE ÇA Q'IL S'AGIT" and "LA THÉORIE DU DANGER" which are put on sale for the Coquette sum of 5000 FCFA per unit, some Internet users did not miss the opportunity to hit hard on RIGO.

After the congratulations and the encouragements The messages of astonishment and disapproval were not long in coming.

This type of reaction does not date from today. His partnership with the sports betting company ONE X BET had already caused a lot of ink to flow. .some criticizing him for being more of a businessman than a coach. That he should focus on improving his playing skills and not creating quotes.

Does a former indomitable lion who is now national team coach have to be involved in business activities that do not have unanimous support?

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