After the show "THE BACHELOR" which brought notoriety to the beautiful Stephanelle, the latter continues to dazzle us with her adventures and her brilliant state of mind.
She has never participated in the Miss Cameroon competition, although she has the necessary assets to excel. .after obtaining the crown of Queen of Shopping, she set her sights on the famous French reality TV show that we all know “SECRET STORY” in which she would have liked to participate for season 12, but unfortunately she gave up on the casting.
According to the bachelorette, her failure came from the fact that she did her casting in Africa and especially at the last minute. Apparently she has an unparalleled secret which would have taken the public by surprise, hence the rejection of her application during the casting. .she herself says: “My secret was a real secret! It wasn't the weird weird secrets that you count 1,2,3 and you find the bland bland secrets that I saw there! My secret ?? To find that you had to live in Africa. .I'm sure my secret scared people here, I swear my mother! “
Unfortunately, our star cannot digest this failure, especially every time she watches the show. .realizing the opportunity she missed is difficult, and even more so when the participants in this show don't put their heart into it to give life to each step as she for her part would have done.
The queen of shopping finds that the participants, both men and women, do not have the audacity or charisma to charm the public, make them laugh and create suspense. .because for her, her philosophy before embarking on a show is to analyze all the aspects and form her plans in her head. Just like a real girl who knows what she wants!
Stephanelle continues to think that she really should have done her casting in France and adopted a little French language to give herself every chance of being selected.
Nevertheless we notice on her Facebook posts that she has been in Paris for a few days, we still do not know the reason for her presence there. It would not be surprising to know that she went there to prepare the ground for the next season of “Secret Story”.
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