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What you don't know about the "King 12-12", the little shoe shiner turned rich Malian businessman. Here is his portrait.

.Sidi Mouctar Dembélé, better known as "King 12-12", is a wealthy Malian businessman who made his fortune in the vehicle sales sector.

You should know that he was not “born with a golden spoon in his mouth”.

A difficult childhood

Sidi Mouctar Dembélé, originally from Markala, a district in the Ségou region, very quickly got involved in his personal development and that of his relatives.

At that time, the brilliant student Sidi went into business. At 12, he was selling bottled gasoline at the Banankabougou market.

Bold and intelligent, Bassidi joined President Modibo Kéito International Airport a few years later with shoe-shine equipment.

He then became a bicycle repairer at the Grand Marché in Bamako. M..dembélé, married and father of a family, decided in 2006 to sell used vehicles.


In the business world, you have to move forward with conviction and armed with ambition. We must never be discouraged, ”says the Malian economic operator. .for this 50-year-old, life is like a book of which you turn a page every day.“Despite the challenges and difficulties encountered, one must fight for one's convictions, be ambitious and courageous in order to give oneself the means to succeed,” he says, specifying that life is a ladder at different levels. .we shouldn't be in a hurry, because we have to be patient,” he says.

How did the name King 12-12 come about?

When an old passing lady saw my cars parked in a car park in Bamako, she was surprised. .suddenly, she called me ‘Denké i bi tanifilà’, in French my son you are 12 out of 12”.

Illico, the young Malian decides to put on the plates of his vehicles for sale 12/12, hence the name King 12-12. .According to a Malian economic operator, Roi 12-12 is currently the richest young person in Bamako.

I have not benefited from any public contract from the Malian state to get me to this stage”, he justifies himself before adding: “I am not a politician. .I am neither in the presidential movement nor in the Malian opposition. But I am an import-export trader. I go where I win, because I am looking for money to make other dreams come true, ”he underlines.

It is often accompanied by two individuals. .Father Daola who is an IVORIAN actor who crawls at the feet of the Malian businessman on each visit to Côte d'Ivoire. The PANTCHO the gatair another Ivorian influencer considered as the spiritual son of the king 12 12.

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