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Rainbow Word


As the country cries out for a new scandal after a mother abandoned her child, the very revolted singer Mani Bella has sent a message to young Cameroonian ladies.

The singer who is currently

.several months pregnant had

offered to meet the girl who abandoned her newborn baby in Bamenda.

Mani Bella found her nice, nothing

that by reading the contents of the letter

that the young mother left

with the baby for the one

who would like to raise him in his place. .the singer did not manage to discuss with the biological mother but there are others who position themselves to be helped and the singer of Bitkussi is sorry.

."On the other hand, I have already received today at least a thousand (1,000) messages asking for help from pregnant women and young girls, abandoned to themselves without resources to take care of them and their future babies. . .every day, since I've been pregnant, it's almost the same and, frankly, it makes me angry. My sisters, you are stubborn. You abuse. When we love ngnass we protect ourselves. Wear condoms. And if we decide not to protect ourselves in view of the trust we have in our partner and according to

.your intimate lifestyle (couple,

engaged, same house) we make sure

less than one can oneself

dealing with protected pregnancy has always been a global affair. .we all know the risks linked to the ngnass without condoms and you know well the nice words that some guys deploy when they want the lass. You know very well that in an intimate relationship with a man it is you who are more exposed to undergo

the consequences of the

.procreation but you deliver

always your bodies without restraint.

And as soon as you are made aware of

much like I did with the Vows of Chastity project where I was clearly screaming telling women to open up anyhow, everyone got their mouths out on me."

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