Couples are definitely having a bad time on social networks. After the thunderous breakup of Cynthia Elisabeth and Donald AYISSI, it is the turn of the couple Mélissa ELATE/Blaise OPTION to suffer turbulence.
According to the statements of the influencer Léa CAMPBELL Mélissa would have left her home several days ago with her baby for a destination unknown to her husband Blaise NTEDJU.
The information did not have time to circulate until Blaise OPTION made a rather intriguing statement on his Facebook page.
He thus half-heartedly confirms the statements of the influencer Léa CAMPBELL. The latter openly holds EMY DANY responsible for this abandonment of home. Melissa ELATE would like to obtain the luxury life of Emy Dany and her husband would be incapable of offering it to her, she declared in a live broadcast. Melissa ELATE wanted to apologize for the lynching that EMY DANY has suffered since the outbreak of this story .
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